In an effort to jump-start my exercise regimen, I signed up for a 5K competitive walk a couple of weeks ago, roped some friends into training with me a couple of times each week and became a "blogger on the run", inspired by Connie of "Fat to Fit Mommy". Today was race day and I was as excited as I could possibly be. Perhaps because I was walking and not running, but also because it was a women's event and it was amazing to be surrounded by so many other people making the choice to do something healthy on a Sunday morning.
My ultra-competitive friend decided that she was going to walk as fast as humanly possible and took off as soon as the race began. Not liking to be outdone, I pushed myself beyond my usual pace and ended up in 13th place overall! Outstanding considering there were over 90 walkers. My time for my walk was 39:46 (the first place finisher was 36:45), achieving my goal of finishing the race in under 40 minutes. I have felt great about myself all day and have decided that I will do one walking or running a race each month. Next race -- end of November for the Bacardi 8K run. Can't wait!